Hey there, I'm Nina

I know what it's like to feel totally out of control with food.

It's lonely, overwhelming, and no one seems to understand. That's why I created the Binge Free & Beyond program. A unique step by step formula that goes beyond just what you eat to help you end your battle with food. Register your interest in either my 1:1 intensive or ADHD group program for more info.

OCTOBER BFaB group program

3 months of fun and engaging small group support to stop feeling out of control with food and improve your wellbeing the ADHD way!

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds

Binge Free & Beyond 1:1 intensive

Six months of 1:1 intensive support to deep dive to the root cause of why you are feeling out of control with food and transform the way you eat for life.

FREE Binge free snacking guide

Private message me on instagram with "ADHD snacks" and you will be guided through an automation that will send you my free snack guide ebook.

About your coach

Nina is a university qualified Dietitian and Nutritionist who specialises in binge eating disorder, disordered eating, and ADHD. Before this, Nina struggled with binge eating and bulimia in secret for several years, too ashamed to tell anyone or get support. She felt alone, was convinced she had a sugar addiction, and it took years for her to figure out how to stop gorging herself on food (instead of the several months it takes most of her clients). That's why she's so passionate about sharing her story, so people know they arn't alone, it isn't their willpower, and they deserve help! Even after she stopped binging and became qualified in Nutrition she still felt like eating consistently was usually hard for her compared to others... which all made sense when she finally got her ADHD diagnosis! After several years of working as a dietitian she found working with people who binge eat the most rewarding. Seeing people transform not only their eating, but their whole life in just 3 short months was just incredible to be a part of! As over 30% of binge eaters meet criteria for ADHD Nina naturally saw her ADHD clientel increase. She especially loves working with newly diagnosed ADHDers as they navigate how to care for their health the ADHD way in future. Nina now works with people virtually with people all over the world from her cozy home office in Western Australia to help them discover a life free from their battle with food!